Handstand workshop with Lukas in balance  @ Movement Amsterdam
Handstand workshop with Lukas in balance  @ Movement Amsterdam

Handstand workshop with Lukas in balance



@ Movement Amsterdam


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Handstand workshop with Lukas in balance  @ Movement Amsterdam
Handstand workshop with Lukas in balance  @ Movement Amsterdam

Lukas is excited to share his approach to learning the handstand with you this weekend. He says that the handstand should feel light and relaxed, akin to standing, creating a restful position that requires minimal force. Not only is the handstand highly therapeutic, promoting a healthy and robust back, but it's also an enjoyable practice suitable for all ages.

During the workshop, we'll extensively incorporate walls and partner exercises to help you experience and develop YOUR handstand. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Preliminary and Understanding Exercises: Fundamental exercises to lay the groundwork for a successful handstand practice.
  • Handstand Drills: Targeted drills designed to enhance your handstand technique and control.
  • Real-time Feedback: Receive immediate feedback to refine your form and make necessary adjustments.
  • Mobility Exercises: Exercises to improve flexibility and mobility, crucial for mastering the handstand.
  • Case Exercises: Practical scenarios and challenges to apply your handstand skills in different contexts.
  • Question Rounds: Engage in Q&A sessions to address any queries, concerns, or curiosities you may have.

And much more awaits you this weekend! Whether you're just starting or looking to elevate your handstand practice, we've got you covered. Let's explore and progress together! If you're an absolute beginner or looking to refine your existing skills, this workshop is open to all levels. I'm eager to delve into the world of handstands with you this weekend!

Lukas always had a sportive background. Lukas used to be a professional swimmer when he was younger but his passion for handstand training began when he started with breakdancing. When first introduced he fell straight in love with the skill. He refined the art of hand balancing in the last 3 years with the guidance of Yuval Ayalon (Cirque de Soleil) and can't wait to share his knowledge.

If you want to improve your handstand this is the workshop to go to. Make sure you don't miss out.


Beginnt am Samstag, 8. Juni 2024

Mehrere Termine


Overschiestraat 188, 1062 XK Amsterdam





Na zijn studie ‘Sport & Beweging, Lifestyle & Gezondheid’ ging Chris aan de slag als personal trainer en yoga teacher, waar zijn avontuur als Mover begon. Chris is gefascineerd door beweging en daagt zichzelf continu uit in het opdoen van kennis en nieuwe vaardigheden. De combinatie van zijn ijzersterke discipline, professionele begeleiding, en persoonlijke aanpak weet hij als geen ander iedereen (van beginner tot ervaren sporter) te enthousiasmeren om vaker te bewegen. Chris denkt outside the box en verzint nieuwe methodes om het lichaam sterker en flexibeler te maken. Hij volgt tot op heden enthousiast de programmering van o.a. Ido Portal en Fighting Monkey. Zo leert hij telkens nieuwe manieren van fysieke empowerment. Chris gelooft dat als je goed voor jezelf zorgt, je alles er uit kan halen en ook optimaal kan genieten van een energiek lichaam en geest.


63,00 €

Single day - Saturday

63,00 €

Single day - Sunday

104,00 €

Full weekend


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10:00 - 13:00

Overschiestraat 188, 1062 XK Amsterdam



10:00 - 13:00

Overschiestraat 188, 1062 XK Amsterdam





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Handstand workshop with Lukas in balance


Beginnt am Samstag, 8. Juni 2024

Mehrere Termine


