Kirtan/Satsang with Jules Febre @ Yoga Circle
Kirtan/Satsang with Jules Febre @ Yoga Circle

Kirtan/Satsang with Jules Febre



@ Yoga Circle

Kirtan/Satsang with Jules Febre @ Yoga Circle
Kirtan/Satsang with Jules Febre @ Yoga Circle

An evening with Jules where we’ll chant, talk together and listen to some inspiring stories.

The Kirtan/Satsangs with Jules are amazing opportunities to sit together with a cup of tea, to contemplate on some yogic thoughts, challenge some old beliefs and get inspired by a deeper truth which might emerge.

We will enjoy the power of collective voice, mantra singing, chanting and laughing together during this special evening of kirtan and community and collect some money for a good cause.

All proceed from your tickets will be donated to Stichting DierenLot, an animal welfare organization in the Netherlands who provides emergency help to animal in needs. As 4th October is Animal Day and Jivamukti stands boldly for animal welfare, we choose to donate whatever comes in to this organization. You are also very welcome to donate extra money during the evening or directly via this link


Freitag, 4. Oktober 2024


20:00 - 21:00

(60 min)


Shala 1


De Clercqstraat 66-68, 1052 NJ Amsterdam



Jules Febre


Jules Febre was born and raised in a section of New York City known as the Lower East Side. At the age of 13, Jules spent three months in India; two of which were spent in Mysore studying Ashtanga Yoga with Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois. During that time he was invited to share satsang with Swami Nirmalananda and Shyam Das, two radical yogis that have each contributed greatly to the progression of yoga in the West. At the age of 16 Jules began working at the Jivamukti Yoga School helping to clean, and is now considered one of the leading teachers of the Jivamukti Yoga method, teaching the method world wide as well as facilitating at the very highly regarded teacher training programs. Jules travels and teaches for a major part of each year, including Europe, Australia, Asia, and more. His classes offer a wide range and depth of understanding of Yoga Asana as well as Meditation, Chanting, and Yoga Philosophy. Teaching yoga is Jules’ passion. He is grateful to his teachers, Sharonji (Gannon), Davidji (Life) who he has had the privilege of studying with for over 15 years, for igniting his devotion to the Jivamukti Yoga practice and for inspiring countless students around the world.




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You will get a full refund if you cancel up to 3 weeks prior to the start of the workshop. Within 3 weeks there will be no refund, but you can of course arrange to transfer your spot to someone else.

Kirtan/Satsang with Jules Febre


Freitag, 4. Oktober 2024


20:00 - 21:00

(60 min)


Jules Febre
