Videotheek Pralaya Practice Class | Pranayama, bandha's and shoulder work

Pralaya Practice Class | Pranayama, bandha's and shoulder work

Pralaya Yoga
120 min
Alle niveaus
Robert Boustany
Beschikbaarheid na aankoop
14 Dagen
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€ 25,00Losse ticket
€ 25,00Online session with Robert - 1 sessie
€ 100,00Online session with Robert - 4 sessies

Over de les

A 2-hours Pralaya Yoga class with Robert, containing so much more than just a physical practice.

In this class Robert starts with explaining more about the bandhas. He gives instructions on how to engage mula bandha and uddiyana bandha according to traditional Himalayan yoga. Because of misinterpretation of the techniques of using bandhas in a yoga practice are not always taught right in the West.

The physical practice starts with Kapalabhati and Agni Sara Dhauti using the bandhas. The asanas are mainly focused on hip opening and core strength. Robert gives suggestions on how engaging the bandhas in the asanas can help to open the body in a deeper way.

During class he also talks about how inversions and supplementing specific nutrients can support hormone balance. And about Shambala and the light body of human beings.

After a little bit of effective shoulder work the class ends with a nice relaxation.

Recorded 09-12-2021

Teacher Training Students If you are a student of Yogasite's 200H/300H Teacher Training you can have this class count for certification by answering the following question:

Give a summary on how to engage mula bandha and its function regarding to what Robert says in this class

Please send your answer to

Over de docent

Robert Boustany is the founder of Pralaya Yoga and has been teaching yoga for 50 years. He is known for his detailed understanding of the anatomy of poses, energetics and Yoga Therapy. For more information about Robert, take a look at our and his website: &