Videotheek Sunrise Yoga with Carolina 2

Sunrise Yoga with Carolina 2

45 min
Alle niveaus
Studio 191 de Pijp
Caro Dorell
Beschikbaarheid na aankoop
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€ 144,00 / maandEverything 12 - €12 per class (INCLUDES Reformer)

Over de les

Sunrise Yoga is a practice designed to welcome the new day through traditional sun salutations and contemporary mindfulness practices.We begin each Sunrise Yoga practice with a guided mediation, allowing our body and mind to arrive on the mat and setting our intentions for the practice and day ahead.As we move through a series of wake-up stretches and energising Pranayama {breath} practices, we'll experience both traditional and contemporary yogic practices designed to bring new energy into the body for the day ahead.We then move onto Sunrise Yoga's main practice ~ rounds of Traditional Surya Namaskar A & B {On Repeat}. Just think of this as a 'moving meditation' designed to ground and centre the body. You'll feel ready for the day ahead after flowing through these ancient, rhythmic sequences ~ a holistic, full body experience.Our closing meditation {instead of Savasana...nobody will be going back to sleep after this class} will give us time to feel the energising and uplifting energies of the physical practice whilst also creating time & space to re-assert our intentions for the day ahead.Sunrise Yoga ~ Suitable for All Levels & All Bodies