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1:1 Training - 3 months (2 times per week)

24 sessions in total
472,00 / maand
Looptijd membership: 3 Maanden
24 deelnames / 3 maanden


1:1 sessions - Animal Flow - Functional Training

  • Insights of breathwork (when and if needed)
  • Weekly follow-ups

Each session is 1 hour and can be live or online.

Rules: - cancellation policy of 24 hours - the session is private and lasts 1 hour - the session can take place live or online - please, arrive at least 5 minutes before the session starts.

The journey is 3 months and personalised based on the specific needs. If more sessions are needed, the journey can be extended.

Betalingsvoorwaarden en annuleringen

De eerste betaling wordt op 08-05-2024 in rekening gebracht. Daarna wordt het iedere 1 maand in rekening gebracht.
Door de aankoop te voltooien geef je aan dat je minstens 18 jaar bent.