Blue Lotus Ceremony with Yin & Sound

Price from 0.00 €


Immerse yourself by Blue-Lotus. Embrace and get to understand the journey and cycle of Blue-Lotus, of life of yourself. The journey begins with the mud, the underworld and all that is hidden and yet contains our roots, memories and wisdom. By uplifting towards the flowerbud we meet our heart. The journey towards the Lotus is one of radiance and bliss like our true nature Self is.

What is Blue Lotus?

Blue Lotus (Nymphaea Caerulea), a Water Lily that grew on the rivers of the Nile. A sacred flower with deep wisdom used by the ancient Egyptians for its medicinal and spiritual purposes. Blue Lotus has been used during rituals to elevate the spirit and to attain a higher state of awareness or connection with the Divine. 

What happens at the ceremony?

To experience Blue Lotus in ceremony we connect into the Nature of who we are and what we are here to be. The tea acts as a heart opener and energetic cleanser. It heightens a meditative state and promotes inner peace. Blue Lotus her smell and serene presence help create a field that stimulates calmness and relaxation. 

A sacred space will be opened up with smudging and a blessing. Araliya will guide you through the Blue Lotus ceremony and yin practice. You will be invited to quietly tune into yourself and set an intention. Blue Lotus flower will be served as a ceremonial tea. The ceremony is filled with rituals, gentle movement, relaxation and sound. Immerse yourself by Blue-Lotus, soft yin postures, tones from crystal bowls, heartbeats from the drum and ripples from the gongs. 

Some benefits of Blue Lotus:

-Calms down the nervous system and stimulates a deeper sleep

-Deep rest and nourishment

-Slows down your mental activity and provides clarity of vision

-Inspiration and creativity

-Inner harmony 

-Facilitates lucid dreaming and enhances visualisations during dream state 

-Stimulates a meditative state and gentle euphoria

Prepare for your Blue-Lotus Ceremony:

-Don't drink any coffee 1-2 days before the ceremony or at least not on the day of the ceremony. 

-No alcohol or drugs before and on the ceremony day

-Do not eat a heavy meal. Eat light and at least 2-3 hours before the ceremony no food. 

-Bring comfortable clothes and perhaps something to keep you warm

-It's a good idea to bring a notebook, pen and something to bring for the altar. (Crystal,nature element,small statue) Something that's meaningful for you. 

It is not advice to drink Blue-Lotus if:

-your high doses of antidepressiva or medication that contains Apomorphine or Nuciferine

-Heart problems 

-You're pregnant 


Araliya offers her passions and gifts through dance, music, singing, yoga and plant medicines in ceremonial settings and rich journeys. She brings in a harmonious energy where she opens the space for connection, serenity and inner calmness. She has been working with the Blue Lotus for almost 2,5 years where she has and still is exploring the dept and the beauty of Blue Lotus. As the Blue Lotus has roots in Egypte she also discovered it in her country of origin, Sri Lanka. Therefore she feels a deep calling of sharing the wisdom, gentleness and depth of Blue Lotus. Harmonize your energy field and come home to authenticity, radiance and bliss. Let’s connect with open hearts and embrace this deep soul journey together. 

For more information or questions check out my website:


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