Mysore Unlimited Membership

all classes, including Mysore Program
110,00 / month
Minimum runtime: 3 months
Unlimited participations


* Join our Mysore Program (and any other class) with this membership *

The first payment will be charged on the day you start the membership and the amount is calculated pro-rata to the end of the calendar month. Afterwards, you will be charged every 1st of the month.

You have a minimum commitment of 3 (full) months, after that period you can cancel the membership anytime from your online account, giving a notice period of 1 month, which starts the first day of the month after the day you terminated your membership.

Otherwise, it will automatically be extended every month. Payments will be charged directly onto the account you set up when you start the membership.

You can pause your membership for a period of 1 month per year. To do so, please send your request via email stating clearly which period you'd like to pause your membership. The paused period will be added at the end of your membership minimum commitment period. We can only pause your membership for a full month at once.

This membership gives you unlimited access to all our classes, including Mysore Program.

Payment terms & cancellation

The first payment will be charged on 24/10/2024. Afterwards, you will be charged every 1 month.
If you cancel the membership until 31/12/2024, it will be terminated on 31/01/2025.
Otherwise, it will automatically be extended at the end of the current runtime by 1 month.
If you purchase your membership online, you can cancel it online in the membership details. If you buy the membership directly at the facility, the cancellation must be submitted in written form to the facility.
By completing the purchase you verify that you are at least 18 years old.

* All prices including VAT