Onbeperkt sporten - jaarabonnement

52,50 / month
Minimum runtime: 12 months
Unlimited participations


Jaar abonnement. Dit abonnement heeft een looptijd van 12 maande en is tussentijds niet opzegbaar. Het jaarabonnement wordt automatisch verlengd. Opzeggen is mogelijk tot 11 maanden na startdatum, daarna wordt het abonnement automatisch verlengd met 12 maanden.

Payment terms & cancellation

The first payment will be charged on 27/07/2024. Afterwards, you will be charged every 1 month.
If you cancel the membership until 30/06/2025, it will be terminated on 31/07/2025.
Otherwise, it will automatically be extended at the end of the current runtime by 12 months.
If you purchase your membership online, you can cancel it online in the membership details. If you buy the membership directly at the facility, the cancellation must be submitted in written form to the facility.
By completing the purchase you verify that you are at least 18 years old.

* All prices including VAT