1 Unit
Trial offer
12 months
55.00 €
Per month
Runtime: 12 months
1 participation / week
6 months
60.00 €
Per month
Runtime: 6 months
1 participation / week
3 months
65.00 €
Per month
Runtime: 3 months
1 participation / week
6 months
80.00 €
Per month
Runtime: 6 months
Unlimited participations
3 months
85.00 €
Per month
Runtime: 3 months
Unlimited participations
1 month
90.00 €
Per month
Minimum runtime: 1 month
Unlimited participations
1 Unit
Trial offer
1 Unit
3 Units
Trial offer
5 Units
10 Units
15 Units
1 Unit
6 Units
9 Units
11 Units
11 Units
16 Units
11 Units
1 Unit
1 Unit
10 Units
1 Unit
1 Unit
1 Unit
1 Unit
1 Unit
1 Unit
NL Jullie worden volledig ondersteund in de zwangerschap, tijdens de bevalling en erna. Jullie krijgen ervaren ondersteuning en voorbereid, en ik begeleid jou (en je partner) door alle stadia van de baring. Mijn aanwezigheid geeft naast vertrouwen veel ontspanning en rust, zodat jij je gesteund, geliefd en gedragen voelt. Hierdoor zal je vertrouwen enorm gevoed worden, waardoor je tijdens je bevalling ten alle tijden vanuit jou eigen kracht en intïutie kan baren.
Daarnaast kun je voor 1 jaar lang onbeperkt alle pre- en postnatale lessen volgen en volgen jullie samen de 2 weekse birth prep zwangerschapscursus.
ENG You will be supported during pregnancy, during childbirth and after. You will be providing with compassionate and experienced support to fully prepare and guide you and you (and your partner) through all stages of delivery. My presence gives, as well as confidence, relaxation and tranquility, so that you feel supported, loved and bundled. This will greatly nourish your confidence so that you at any times during childbirth can act within your own strength and intuition.
In addition, you can follow all pre- and postnatal classes for an unlimited period of 1 year and you follow the 2 week birth prep course together.
1 Unit
* All prices including VAT