ENG | 1 day Birth Prep course

Starts on Sunday, 19/11/2023
Price 100.00 €


In this 2.5 hour course we will discuss what you can expect during the different phases; both physical, metal and practical. We teach you realistic support tools and a series of breathing and delivery techniques. You both gain more confidence and are well prepared.

With this Mama Move Short Journey strip card; you can book this 1-day Birth Prep with your partner and follow 5 weekly prenatal classes (including pregnancy yoga and Pilates) for you.

Trainer :


Zwangerschapsyoga, Workshops, Birth Prep cursussen.


1.19/11/202310:00 - 12:30Amalia van Solmsstraat 155, 2595 TA Den HaagVanessa


You can cancel free of charge up to 2 days before the start of the first day of the course. In exceptional cases, such as the announcement of the delivery, please contact us.

Annuleren kan tot 2 dagen voor aanvang van de eerste cursus dag kosteloos. In uitzonderlijke gevallen, zoals de aankondiging van de bevalling, neem dan even contact met ons op.

* All prices including VAT