Freedom workshop - Sound Healing & Conscious Bodywork with Ron Bunzl

Price 65.00 €


What is freedom for you?

This is the theme of this 4 hour workshop with Ron Bunzl.

A 4 hour-long personal and collective exploration featuring Mindfulness meditations, conscious bodywork (breath and movement meditation, Evolutionary Sources and dance), creative writing and expression, a journey into the Labyrinth of Images and a deep sound healing with gongs, Tibetan bowls and voice.

The Freedom Workshop is composed of an integrated program of experiences and exercises dedicated to exploring and discovering the meanings of freedom, as well as, the challenges and obstacles we each face in actualizing our birthright – freedom of feeling, thinking, and action. Transformation, stepping into personal creative leadership, and embodiment are the key aims of the workshop.

The Workshop Program
In the workshop you will:

·     Learn formal and informal mindfulness-based meditation techniques;

·     Practice conscious breathwork and Chakra sounding for grounding, alignment, and spacious awareness;

·     Explore and discover somatic practices, movement, and dance for gaining insight, liberating the body, and increasing embodied presence and expression;

·     Discover the Labyrinth practice as a tool for finding guidance and insight for important life questions, and a sense of magical interconnectedness;

·     Experience a powerful, liberating, and mind-expanding Sound Healing, a Gong Bath that facilitates intended change and transformation.

About the facilitator: Ron Bunzl
This deep inner journey is led by Ron, who is an experienced elder, wisdom keeper, and practitioner. He is a life artist, performer, inspirational leader, teacher, and healer. With more than 50 years of experience authoring and leading original multi-disciplinary theatre, dance, music, voice work, improvisation, social storytelling-based performance, experiential psychology and spiritual practices and projects. Ron is a master mentor and facilitator who has helped and inspired countless people on the path of transformation and unfolding their personal creative genius and understanding. 

“My passion is discovering, developing, and sharing skills for facing life’s creative opportunities and challenges with grace, lightness, inspiration, courage, and creative freedom. Today’s world of extreme and rapid change is often daunting and dizzying! This is why the medicine of an artistic approach is perhaps more important than ever! The function of art is to awaken the things that are asleep. It unleashes and develops life skills that enable us to better navigate the predictable and unpredictable currents of daily experience. Touching base with our dreams, knowing our needs, and connecting to our sense of life purpose, is the medicine we need to realize our personal and collective freedom. The freedom to choose and create the life, relationships, and the world we know is possible. This is what it takes to dance with joyful grace on the edge of the volcano of the emerging future.”

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