Menstrual Cycle Superpowers

Starts on Saturday, 09/10/2021
Price 35.00 €


Do you feel your cycle is helping you thrive? Or is it holding you back from what you want to do?

Would you like to • Use your menstrual cycle to thrive in life, relationships, work? • Achieve success and fulfillment while keeping the connection with your true self and avoiding burn out? • Have a healthy menstrual cycle that supports your daily life? • Have loads of energy for the things that really matter to you?

Then this 3 hour live workshop is for you!

What you'll learn in this Ayurvedic Cycle awareness workshop: • how to use the menstrual cycle to achieve what you want without burning out • what your unique Ayurvedic mind-body type is and how to use it to achieve radiant health • foods and lifestyle practices to support you in having a healthy cycle, no matter if it is now regular/irregular/painful or with other symptoms

HERE’S EVERYTHING YOU’LL GET… • A live, 3 hour workshop dedicated to helping you understand the superpowers lying in your menstrual cycle rhythm and how to use these to achieve radiant health and achieve your goals • A beautiful pdf workbook to guide you through the process • Live teaching and support from a professional Ayurvedic Practitioner • Customized, personalized ideas based on your unique mind-body type • A 7 day Ayurveda challenge to get you started on your new health habits

Who is this for: • if you have a regular healthy cycle: you’ll learn how to leverage the powers of your cycle • if you have irregular cycles or no menstruation or period pain: you’ll learn to understand your patterns and what is the cause of the imbalance. And what to do about it. • if you are in perimenopause: working with the cycle can ease your symptoms or make it a smoother ride

Why work with your cycle? • it is a mindfulness practice for women • it connects you to yourself • it is your monthly feedback system – the symptoms tell you what to do (or not do) • it is your stress management system

About the teacher: Ioana is a certified Ayurvedic practitioner with a Bachelor degree in Ayurvedic Medicine from The European Institute for Scientific Research in Ayurveda, The Hague. Also she is a certified Massage Therapist with more than 7 years of experience in this field.

She runs an Ayurvedic clinic in Amsterdam. Her specialty is helping with women with menstrual and hormonal imbalances get back to balance and radiant health by using nutrition and lifestyle changes as well as cycle rhythm awareness and medicinal herbs.

Teacher :

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Ioanna Vancea


1.09/10/202113:00 - 16:00Zuidermolenweg 7, 1069 CE AmsterdamIoanna Vancea


Tot twee weken (14 dagen) voor de geplande workshop datum kan je je inschrijving schriftelijk per email kosteloos annuleren. Tot 1 week (7 dagen) voor de geplande workshop kan je je inschrijving annuleren, in welk geval het inschrijfgeld wordt terugbetaald onder inhouding van € 15,- administratiekosten. Indien je je inschrijving binnen 24 uur voor een geplande workshop annuleert, vindt geen restitutie plaats. Wel kan de plek aan iemand anders worden overgedragen.

* All prices including VAT