yoga Nidra.

Starts on Sunday, 20/11/2022
Price 20.00 €


Yoga nidra is like meditation, but yet it’s not.

The goal is to move into a deep state of conscious awareness sleep, which is a deeper state of relaxation with awareness. This state involves moving from consciousness while awake to dreaming and then to not-dreaming while remaining awake-going past the unconscious to the conscious. In this deeper relaxation, the pineal gland is activated and that releases the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant. It can also help manage immune function, blood pressure, cortisol levels and induce restful sleep.

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1.20/11/202217:00 - 18:30Amsterdamseweg 157, 1182 GT AmstelveenFarrah

* All prices including VAT