Continuing Education: Yin Yoga Therapy

Price from 0.00 €


Yin Yoga Continuing Education Yin Yoga with Hellen

Deep dive into hands-on adjustment, assisted-yin, the use of props and learn how to guide students with psychical and mental challenges.

An in-depth two days study - 15 hours of Continuing Education (Yacep)

In this two-days Continuing Education weekend you will learn how to use your

hands, props and the wall to further help and support your students in their Yin

Yoga practice. You will learn techniques that you can use in your classes as well as

techniques for 1 on 1 treatments.

This weekend is specifically designed for yoga teachers or students who wish to

learn about possible modifications using props, wall and hands/body in Yin Yoga.

For themselves, group classes or 1 on 1 treatments.


Cancel your class 4 hours before the class

* All prices including VAT