terug naar het prijzenoverzicht

Platinum member (12 months)

124,99 / maand
Minimale looptijd: 12 Maanden
21 deelnames / maand


Join up to 21 classes of your choice every month with this subscription.

By choosing this subscription, you authorize Studio Aeris to send recurrent collection instructions to your bank to debit your account for the Platinum Member subscription and your bank to debit your account on a recurrent basis in accordance with the instructions from Studio Aeris.

The first payment is prorated, meaning you will be charged an initial amount based on the number of days left in the current billing period. All following monthly payments will be the full amount.

You purchase the Platinum Member subscription for a period of 12 months. After this period, the subscription will be automatically renewed.

The subscription price is based on 50 teaching weeks per year. The studio is closed for a maximum of two weeks around Christmas and New Year. In the summer there may be a temporary summer schedule. The price is subject to an annual inflation correction from January 1st of every year. The new price is calculated with the cpi (consumer price index) from cbs.

The subscription can not be suspended or terminated early. This is also true in the case of injury, illness, pregnancy, travel or work.

Betalingsvoorwaarden en annuleringen

De eerste betaling wordt op 23-04-2024 in rekening gebracht. Daarna wordt het iedere 1 maand in rekening gebracht.
Als je het membership annuleert voor 30-03-2025 wordt het opgezegd op 30-04-2025.
Anders wordt het aan het eind van de looptijd automatisch verlengd met 1 maand.
Wanneer je je membership online koopt, kun je het online annuleren in de membership details. Wanneer je het membership rechtstreeks bij de sportlocatie hebt gekocht, moet je het schriftelijk annuleren bij de locatie zelf.
Door de aankoop te voltooien geef je aan dat je minstens 18 jaar bent.