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Unlimited annual membership

60,00 / maand
Looptijd membership: 12 Maanden
Onbeperkte deelnames


General Description

Unlimited yearly membership paid monthly by automated SEPA payment. Valid for all regular classes.

Please keep in mind that in order to avoid causing unexpected surprises to our students our membership does NOT get automatically renewed after the 12 months default period.

If after a year you would like to continue visiting us, please feel free to purchase another annual membership for the new year or reach out to us so we can renew your existing one.

Covid Information

Please note, that in case of pandemic related government regulation that stops us from providing yoga classes, your membership will be automatically put on hold so you won't be charged for the missed period.

Betalingsvoorwaarden en annuleringen

De eerste betaling wordt op 16-04-2024 in rekening gebracht. Daarna wordt het iedere 1 maand in rekening gebracht.
Door de aankoop te voltooien geef je aan dat je minstens 18 jaar bent.