Hatha Yoga - ONLINE (English) @ YogaZenter
Hatha Yoga - ONLINE (English) @ YogaZenter

Hatha Yoga - ONLINE (English)

Hatha Yoga


@ YogaZenter


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Hatha Yoga - ONLINE (English) @ YogaZenter
Hatha Yoga - ONLINE (English) @ YogaZenter

Hatha Yoga is een klassieke vorm van yoga en bestaat uit lichaamshoudingen (asanas), adembeheersing (pranayama) en meditatie (dhyana)/concentratie (dharana). Hatha Yoga wordt ook wel de ademyoga genoemd. Alle bewegingen worden uitgevoerd op het ritme van de adem. Hatha Yoga brengt ook balans. Ha betekent zon (mannelijke energie) en Tha betekent maan (vrouwelijke energie). Het brengt beide energieën samen. De Yin (vrouwelijke energie) en Yang (mannelijke energie).

De asana's worden in de Hatha Yoga over het algemeen statisch uitgevoerd. De meeste asana's worden opgebouwd, vastgehouden en afgebouwd op een ademritme. Er zullen ook soms dynamische asana's uitgevoerd worden. Zo is de zonnegroet (surya namaskar) een dynamische serie van asana's op een ademritme.


Samstag, 10. Dezember 2022


08:00 - 09:00

(60 min)





Online Stream

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  • Dieses Studio benutzt Zoom als Streaming Anbieter. Lade dir die entsprechende App auf deinen Laptop, Tablet oder Smartphone herunter

  • Zugang zum Online Stream ist ab 15 Minuten vor Beginn der Aktivität verfügbar. Geh auf "Meine Buchungen" und klicke "Jetzt zur Online-Übertragung" um zum Stream weitergeleitet zu werden

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When I first found yoga, more than 30 years ago, I mostly embraced it as a a way to deal with stress and connect with a body that I was entirely to uncomfortable in. My practice has of course changed, morphed and grown over the years. One constant for me, is the comfort I find every time I roll out my mat. Not necessarily in each asana, some of them challenge me, and bring out some decidedly un-yogi thoughts... the comfort really comes at the end of practice, I can tell I feel more present, more plugged in to myself and the world around me, more at ease and calm. This comfort is something I love sharing with the world which ultimately led me to becoming a yoga teacher in 2013, more than 25 years after first practicing yoga. It's been a wonderful process for me, that's allowed me to continue to study, grow, and learn as a teacher. All of my training has been in the US, where I started with a foundational 200 hour teacher training in Hatha Yoga, and built on that with a 300 hour teacher training in Anusara yoga. I've also studied Yin Yoga with a 100 hour teacher training certification and continue to study with other teachers. As a teacher, it's very important to me that each student feels comfortable in exploring what works and does not work for them in the present moment. While I studied alignment based yoga, each of us have our own intrinsic experience, so cues are invitations and suggestions for exploration not a demand to match a particular shape. With each class I strive for an open, playful, inviting class that is balanced, different each week, well sequenced, and accessible to all. So please come and join me on the mat.


Hatha Yoga


10,00 €



15,00 €

Losse les - stadspas

17,50 €

Losse les

40,00 €

Proefmaand - stadspas

55,00 €


67,50 €

5 strippenkaart - stadspas

80,00 €

5 strippenkaart

130,00 €

10 strippenkaart - stadspas

150,00 €

10 strippenkaart

40,00 € / month

1x per week - stadspas


41,25 € / month

OneFit/ClassPass 1x per week


55,00 € / month

Onbeperkt - stadspas


55,00 € / month

1x per week


70,00 € / month






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Hatha Yoga - ONLINE (English)


Samstag, 10. Dezember 2022


08:00 - 09:00

(60 min)